Post by Only Onus on Jan 18, 2022 22:18:14 GMT
There is a lot of talk going around about I AM.
Keep in mind that the original I AM (or Ahayah) is from the Old Testament.
And that I AM set down some laws.
But above and beyond those "laws" are the "Commandments".
What makes these things more important.
Laws are made to be broken, we are not able to keep all the laws that were laid out in the books of Exodus and Leviticus.
And if you read them I'm pretty sure that keeping all of them would be quite the undertaking.
But the Commandments are to be followed NO MATTER WHAT!
You don't have the choice of not following them, they are mandatory.
Some of you have been in the military and you know that there are things that if you do them you will
get into guaranteed trouble, it will be found out and their will be no way that you will not face the consequences.
Same thing here. Do you really believe that there is anything you do that you can hide from your creator?
After all you have been told that all things hidden will be reveled.
So let's take a look at these Commandments.
For some of you this will be the first time actually having this broken down to you.
If you have questions or something doesn't sound right...Then please ask me for further clarification or seek
further opinion from what ever advisor you feel you can trust.
#1. Thou shall have no other gods before me.
This gets confused by many people.
Most will teach that it means to not worship or pray to other gods.
But it actually means anything you put before Him.
This can mean drugs, alcohol, ego or anything else that you think are more important than following His will for you.
If you are a parent you know the heartbreak of having your child do something that you know is bad for them or that will lead to trouble.
It is the same with the one who created. There is a parental desire to see you succeed and be happy.
Just like you would tell your child to listen to you and do what you say; So are the ways of your heavenly Father.
Love me, trust me are the only things that are being said here. The same thing you say to your children.
#2. Thou shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
This one is in actually pretty clear.
The reason for this is that people have a tendency to want to have something tangible in their lives.
And because of that we want to see things in things. There is a term for it but I'm not sure what it is right now.
We look at things and associate them with what we see in life. Look at a cloud and see a dolphin juggling a ball type of thing.
This is very true when it comes to religion. We want to see God manifesting. See miracles. We want God to communicate with us. So badly that we will actually take something made by the hands of man and use it with the concept that it will help us in our meditations and prayers.
But that is not how we are told to communicate with Him. That is not how we are taught to look at Him.
These things give you something other than the true abilities of God to concentrate on. OH; Let me get my prayer beads and light my candles so that God can hear me better. If you think God has a problem hearing you; Why don't you just but a megaphone.
Or you can forget all that stuff and try doing things as you were told to. God does not live or spend all of His time in a statue.
Your beads and candles do not make your voice any louder or get you noticed above someone who is truly saintly. Moses used the staff because God told him to. In order to show people the abilities of God.
He never had to use it to talk to God. All he had to do was speak and Moses knew God heard him.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
Let's start by looking at the word "Vain".
Merriam-Webster defines it like this...
1: having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements : CONCEITED
2: marked by futility or ineffectiveness : UNSUCCESSFUL, USELESS
vain efforts to escape
3: having no real value : IDLE, WORTHLESS
vain pretensions
4: archaic : FOOLISH, SILLY
I would say that this passage is telling us not to be...
The type of person who boasts about their life, not that you shouldn't be happy about your life.
Just don't go around acting like God loves you more than anyone else.
And don't tell people that God is going to do something you know he wont do. He's not going to create a lightening bolt
to come down and strike the person who just walked out on you. Don't say God is going to do anything that He hasn't told you directly
He was going to do. Try to think about it like this...
Your child is out playing and suddenly you hear them screaming for you to come help them.
When you get outside you find out that your child was playing tag with the other kids and was upset because they had gotten tagged.
And they are insisting that you spank that other child for tagging them and send them home.
Would you be more upset with the child who tagged your child or more so with your own child?
Were you pulled away from something truly important due to a spoiled child who cant play well with others?
You taught them. They knew that if they played the game that could happen. They know that in reality no harm was done.
But that child, with all their knowledge you had already given them. Thinks that you (their parent) will do something unjust and wrong
just because you got your feelings hurt. And you would tell that child (just like God is telling you)
"Don't call om me unless it's REALLY IMPORTANT"!
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
Take time off; Period!
Make sure to take one day and enjoy what you have. To just sit in your easy chair with your feet up.
Take the time to be with your family. Play with your children. Rub your mates feet.
Use just one day out of the week to look at the world around you.
From the insane complexity of a bug, to the quiet whispers of the leaves.
Hear the laughter of children and bask in the memories of when you had such a carefree fun focused life.
These feeling are the true acknowledgement of Gods graciousness. This is the time when you can sit back and reel contentment.
Even if it's just until the kids start screaming about something that doesn't matter.
Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
Be respectful. This doesn't mean that your parents will always be right. But if they are wrong don't be argumentative about it.
Keep in mind that your parents are more than likely not telling you do do something with the intent of hurting, embarrassing
or anything that might not work out the best for you.
There is a big "generation gap" now-a-days. Probably more so now than any other time in history.
Take computers, they have become a main part of our existence. When I was growing up there were no computers.
We didn't have video games and if we wanted to talk to someone on the phone...
It meant going home taking the receiver off the wall or desk mount and "dialing" a number.
And more than likely you were either sitting in the living room or at least easy hear shot for anyone to hear you.
If you would have mentioned "texting" the response would have been "What"?
And even the computer that your parents do have is more than likely out dated according to the ones you know about.
Keep in mind that with all the other things your parents have to worry about (work,paying for utilities,paying the mortgage,
paying for the car, keeping gas in the car, paying car insurance, and let's not forget the food thing)
they don't have time to keep up with the newest technology.
Keep in mind as you go through your life about the sacrifices your parents made. And all the things they gave you,
Think about this, when you first left home everything you had...They gave you.
And there will be a point in there lives that anything they get; You will give them.
Thou shall not kill.
This one can be explained in many ways, and each one will have it's validates.
You can look at it as when God first created humans. The only thing he told them to do was to
"Be fruitful and multiply".
This can be interpenetrated as we are not supposed to eat meat. Or kill to have garments.
Some place more of an emphasis on the word kill actually meaning "murder".
Or to kill with the only intent of killing. Not for survival.
I try and look at it as saying...Don't kill just because you want to.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
In order to commit adultery one of you have to be married.
That means at least one of you took a vow (we will get to that one).
And that those vows are now void. They mean nothing.
And that a married person has pursued a lust based relationship.
And more times than not it results in a break-up or even divorce.
Why should you not do this? Think about your children.
What is it going to be like when they are told that their parent was a cheater.
It is one of those things that can lead to the child blaming themselves for the break-up.
Or make them question you love for them. We hear about children going through these times.
And it is never a good thing. Adultery is a selfish act, showing not only that you have no real level of commitment,
But that you are not able to put the needs of others over your own lustful desires.
Thou shalt not steal.
Have you ever had something stolen from you?
Remember how it felt?
Remember how you cried out to God?
Don't make someone else feel that way!
Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
We have all lied, and a lot of times we really had no reason to lie.
Most of the times when we lie it's to try and avoid something bad from happening.
But this is not what this is talking about.
When you lie about someone you create an image of that persons character.
That person has done nothing and yet now because you decided to lie about them.
people think that they are untrustworthy,or whatever type of person you said they were.
This can mean years of work to build a business or a marriage a family are instantly destroyed.
And more than likely it's not something you can go back and fix.
Sure you can start telling everyone that you made it up. But how mush damage has already been done?
How many people will still chose not to trust due to the fact that the went out and found another?
Something they would not have done if you hadn't said what you did.
Think about those you represent. If you are considered a leader on any level you as a representative
of that company or origination you just cost your people a customer, or follower. You have made someone
say that the people you represent hire and harbor a liar. And that if they have one they most likely
have more. Especially if you know that they are the type of organisation who know and keep track of what their people do.
And you see that they have done nothing about that person who lied.
Can you see the damage that goes far beyond just hurting one person when you lie?
It can effect and hurt many innocent people that you don't even know.
Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.
Again; Let's start with the good folks at Merriam-Webster...
Definition of covet
transitive verb
1: to wish for earnestly
covet an award
2: to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably
The king's brother coveted the throne.
intransitive verb
: to feel inordinate desire for what belongs to another.
It's good to desire nice things, and to work to have even nicer things.
The fact that you want a house just like the one you just visited is
a lot different from saying that you want that house you just visited.
When you want something someone else has, in a way your saying that you don't want that person to have what they have worked for.
But that you should have it instead of finding your own place.
You don't want them to enjoy the house or their spouse, car you want them.
Believe it or not what is perfect for one person does not mean it will be perfect for you.
When you want their house you will do things to get it(whatever they may be).
That can lead to you doing something that you know you shouldn't do.
But you want it, so you cause someone to lose their home.
That house that had years spent planning, saving and working now belongs to you.
But just like the house you moved out of, this one feels empty.
The joyful noise and light hearted feeling you had as a visitor is not here.
It doesn't feel like a home. So you put it on the market.
Chasing after other peoples belongings causes other people to not have what they truly desire.
And causes you to think that what is right or good for another is automatically good for you.
Chase your own dreams, acquire your own treasures.
Then you can look at it all and know each ones story.
And know the contentment of feeling like you truly deserve them.
One thing that I try to remember when dealing with the modern world and all the changes that are occurring.
Malachi 3:6
“For I the Lord do not change;therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.
The things that were expected of us back then still apply today.
And if you really look at these things, they are pretty easy to conceive.
Be respectful to God; Treat Him like a parent.
Be respectful to others.
The one thing that all religions teach is to...
Treat others like you want to be treated(including God).
I guess that's why it's called the "golden rule".
This is something that I AM has been "flicking my ear" about.
I can only hope that their was something that helps you to understand some part of all this , in some small way.
As I said earlier if something doesn't make sense or needs more elaboration; Please ask.
Or go to someone you trust to explain things a little better.
Like always;
These are just my views. How I try and look at things.
I do not speak for I AM, The Illuminati or anyone else.
Just trying to be helpful.
Your Sibling
Only Onus
Keep in mind that the original I AM (or Ahayah) is from the Old Testament.
And that I AM set down some laws.
But above and beyond those "laws" are the "Commandments".
What makes these things more important.
Laws are made to be broken, we are not able to keep all the laws that were laid out in the books of Exodus and Leviticus.
And if you read them I'm pretty sure that keeping all of them would be quite the undertaking.
But the Commandments are to be followed NO MATTER WHAT!
You don't have the choice of not following them, they are mandatory.
Some of you have been in the military and you know that there are things that if you do them you will
get into guaranteed trouble, it will be found out and their will be no way that you will not face the consequences.
Same thing here. Do you really believe that there is anything you do that you can hide from your creator?
After all you have been told that all things hidden will be reveled.
So let's take a look at these Commandments.
For some of you this will be the first time actually having this broken down to you.
If you have questions or something doesn't sound right...Then please ask me for further clarification or seek
further opinion from what ever advisor you feel you can trust.
#1. Thou shall have no other gods before me.
This gets confused by many people.
Most will teach that it means to not worship or pray to other gods.
But it actually means anything you put before Him.
This can mean drugs, alcohol, ego or anything else that you think are more important than following His will for you.
If you are a parent you know the heartbreak of having your child do something that you know is bad for them or that will lead to trouble.
It is the same with the one who created. There is a parental desire to see you succeed and be happy.
Just like you would tell your child to listen to you and do what you say; So are the ways of your heavenly Father.
Love me, trust me are the only things that are being said here. The same thing you say to your children.
#2. Thou shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
This one is in actually pretty clear.
The reason for this is that people have a tendency to want to have something tangible in their lives.
And because of that we want to see things in things. There is a term for it but I'm not sure what it is right now.
We look at things and associate them with what we see in life. Look at a cloud and see a dolphin juggling a ball type of thing.
This is very true when it comes to religion. We want to see God manifesting. See miracles. We want God to communicate with us. So badly that we will actually take something made by the hands of man and use it with the concept that it will help us in our meditations and prayers.
But that is not how we are told to communicate with Him. That is not how we are taught to look at Him.
These things give you something other than the true abilities of God to concentrate on. OH; Let me get my prayer beads and light my candles so that God can hear me better. If you think God has a problem hearing you; Why don't you just but a megaphone.
Or you can forget all that stuff and try doing things as you were told to. God does not live or spend all of His time in a statue.
Your beads and candles do not make your voice any louder or get you noticed above someone who is truly saintly. Moses used the staff because God told him to. In order to show people the abilities of God.
He never had to use it to talk to God. All he had to do was speak and Moses knew God heard him.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
Let's start by looking at the word "Vain".
Merriam-Webster defines it like this...
1: having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements : CONCEITED
2: marked by futility or ineffectiveness : UNSUCCESSFUL, USELESS
vain efforts to escape
3: having no real value : IDLE, WORTHLESS
vain pretensions
4: archaic : FOOLISH, SILLY
I would say that this passage is telling us not to be...
The type of person who boasts about their life, not that you shouldn't be happy about your life.
Just don't go around acting like God loves you more than anyone else.
And don't tell people that God is going to do something you know he wont do. He's not going to create a lightening bolt
to come down and strike the person who just walked out on you. Don't say God is going to do anything that He hasn't told you directly
He was going to do. Try to think about it like this...
Your child is out playing and suddenly you hear them screaming for you to come help them.
When you get outside you find out that your child was playing tag with the other kids and was upset because they had gotten tagged.
And they are insisting that you spank that other child for tagging them and send them home.
Would you be more upset with the child who tagged your child or more so with your own child?
Were you pulled away from something truly important due to a spoiled child who cant play well with others?
You taught them. They knew that if they played the game that could happen. They know that in reality no harm was done.
But that child, with all their knowledge you had already given them. Thinks that you (their parent) will do something unjust and wrong
just because you got your feelings hurt. And you would tell that child (just like God is telling you)
"Don't call om me unless it's REALLY IMPORTANT"!
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
Take time off; Period!
Make sure to take one day and enjoy what you have. To just sit in your easy chair with your feet up.
Take the time to be with your family. Play with your children. Rub your mates feet.
Use just one day out of the week to look at the world around you.
From the insane complexity of a bug, to the quiet whispers of the leaves.
Hear the laughter of children and bask in the memories of when you had such a carefree fun focused life.
These feeling are the true acknowledgement of Gods graciousness. This is the time when you can sit back and reel contentment.
Even if it's just until the kids start screaming about something that doesn't matter.
Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
Be respectful. This doesn't mean that your parents will always be right. But if they are wrong don't be argumentative about it.
Keep in mind that your parents are more than likely not telling you do do something with the intent of hurting, embarrassing
or anything that might not work out the best for you.
There is a big "generation gap" now-a-days. Probably more so now than any other time in history.
Take computers, they have become a main part of our existence. When I was growing up there were no computers.
We didn't have video games and if we wanted to talk to someone on the phone...
It meant going home taking the receiver off the wall or desk mount and "dialing" a number.
And more than likely you were either sitting in the living room or at least easy hear shot for anyone to hear you.
If you would have mentioned "texting" the response would have been "What"?
And even the computer that your parents do have is more than likely out dated according to the ones you know about.
Keep in mind that with all the other things your parents have to worry about (work,paying for utilities,paying the mortgage,
paying for the car, keeping gas in the car, paying car insurance, and let's not forget the food thing)
they don't have time to keep up with the newest technology.
Keep in mind as you go through your life about the sacrifices your parents made. And all the things they gave you,
Think about this, when you first left home everything you had...They gave you.
And there will be a point in there lives that anything they get; You will give them.
Thou shall not kill.
This one can be explained in many ways, and each one will have it's validates.
You can look at it as when God first created humans. The only thing he told them to do was to
"Be fruitful and multiply".
This can be interpenetrated as we are not supposed to eat meat. Or kill to have garments.
Some place more of an emphasis on the word kill actually meaning "murder".
Or to kill with the only intent of killing. Not for survival.
I try and look at it as saying...Don't kill just because you want to.
Thou shall not commit adultery.
In order to commit adultery one of you have to be married.
That means at least one of you took a vow (we will get to that one).
And that those vows are now void. They mean nothing.
And that a married person has pursued a lust based relationship.
And more times than not it results in a break-up or even divorce.
Why should you not do this? Think about your children.
What is it going to be like when they are told that their parent was a cheater.
It is one of those things that can lead to the child blaming themselves for the break-up.
Or make them question you love for them. We hear about children going through these times.
And it is never a good thing. Adultery is a selfish act, showing not only that you have no real level of commitment,
But that you are not able to put the needs of others over your own lustful desires.
Thou shalt not steal.
Have you ever had something stolen from you?
Remember how it felt?
Remember how you cried out to God?
Don't make someone else feel that way!
Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
We have all lied, and a lot of times we really had no reason to lie.
Most of the times when we lie it's to try and avoid something bad from happening.
But this is not what this is talking about.
When you lie about someone you create an image of that persons character.
That person has done nothing and yet now because you decided to lie about them.
people think that they are untrustworthy,or whatever type of person you said they were.
This can mean years of work to build a business or a marriage a family are instantly destroyed.
And more than likely it's not something you can go back and fix.
Sure you can start telling everyone that you made it up. But how mush damage has already been done?
How many people will still chose not to trust due to the fact that the went out and found another?
Something they would not have done if you hadn't said what you did.
Think about those you represent. If you are considered a leader on any level you as a representative
of that company or origination you just cost your people a customer, or follower. You have made someone
say that the people you represent hire and harbor a liar. And that if they have one they most likely
have more. Especially if you know that they are the type of organisation who know and keep track of what their people do.
And you see that they have done nothing about that person who lied.
Can you see the damage that goes far beyond just hurting one person when you lie?
It can effect and hurt many innocent people that you don't even know.
Thou shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.
Again; Let's start with the good folks at Merriam-Webster...
Definition of covet
transitive verb
1: to wish for earnestly
covet an award
2: to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably
The king's brother coveted the throne.
intransitive verb
: to feel inordinate desire for what belongs to another.
It's good to desire nice things, and to work to have even nicer things.
The fact that you want a house just like the one you just visited is
a lot different from saying that you want that house you just visited.
When you want something someone else has, in a way your saying that you don't want that person to have what they have worked for.
But that you should have it instead of finding your own place.
You don't want them to enjoy the house or their spouse, car you want them.
Believe it or not what is perfect for one person does not mean it will be perfect for you.
When you want their house you will do things to get it(whatever they may be).
That can lead to you doing something that you know you shouldn't do.
But you want it, so you cause someone to lose their home.
That house that had years spent planning, saving and working now belongs to you.
But just like the house you moved out of, this one feels empty.
The joyful noise and light hearted feeling you had as a visitor is not here.
It doesn't feel like a home. So you put it on the market.
Chasing after other peoples belongings causes other people to not have what they truly desire.
And causes you to think that what is right or good for another is automatically good for you.
Chase your own dreams, acquire your own treasures.
Then you can look at it all and know each ones story.
And know the contentment of feeling like you truly deserve them.
One thing that I try to remember when dealing with the modern world and all the changes that are occurring.
Malachi 3:6
“For I the Lord do not change;therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.
The things that were expected of us back then still apply today.
And if you really look at these things, they are pretty easy to conceive.
Be respectful to God; Treat Him like a parent.
Be respectful to others.
The one thing that all religions teach is to...
Treat others like you want to be treated(including God).
I guess that's why it's called the "golden rule".
This is something that I AM has been "flicking my ear" about.
I can only hope that their was something that helps you to understand some part of all this , in some small way.
As I said earlier if something doesn't make sense or needs more elaboration; Please ask.
Or go to someone you trust to explain things a little better.
Like always;
These are just my views. How I try and look at things.
I do not speak for I AM, The Illuminati or anyone else.
Just trying to be helpful.
Your Sibling
Only Onus